I'm now a Homeowner

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I'm now a Homeowner

Post by Sharpster »

Well, Mandy and I are. We settled last Wednesday on what is pretty damn close to our dream house. This is the first time either of us have bought a house, much less lived outside of our parents. Red Lion, PA is now where we call home. It's a nice little town that's not 10 minutes from York. We're still adjusting to the "country life" and the 1 hr commute into Baltimore. It's definitely strange not having many street lights and more corn fields then chain stores to shop at!

This year as been a whirlwind of change, but it's good change; and although quite terrifying, its extremely exciting at the same time. It's nice that finally everything has settled down and we can just relax a bit. I'm don't want to fool myself though because that won't last long, we have a wedding to plan for in September.

Hope everyone is well.
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XMEN Gambit
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Post by XMEN Gambit »

Congrats! Yes, exciting and terrifying is about right. ;)
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Post by XMEN Ashaman DTM »

Very cool!
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Spinning Hat
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Post by Spinning Hat »

Congrats! Now instead of weekends filled with sleeping in and watching someone else cut the grass, you get to do it. :) If you're not handy, get the Home Depot 123 book. It has lots and lots of photos and great instructions. We have a few of those for different things, and they've been incredibly helpful. We (mostly me) are in the middle of a main level bathroom renovation, and it has been a learning experience to say the least.
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Post by Sharpster »

Thanks everybody!

Good tip SH. I'll definitely have to check those out as I only have limited, near absolute, basic knowledge. Although, I now can say I know how to splice a new electrical line into the existing one and put up florescent lights AND splice a new water line for an ice maker into an existing one. (Mandy's Dad walked me through how to do it and was there if I had any questions). Haven't slept in once yet, how'd you know! :lol: I cut the grass for the first time after work yesterday. I got a great deal on the previous homeowners tractor and having never ridden one before, I was excited. Well after 10 mins of (probably hilariously) teaching myself how to work it, the next 20 mins or so was a breeze.
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Spinning Hat
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Post by Spinning Hat »

23 minutes to cut the lawn? I'm a little jealous.. Granted, I only have a walk behind, and our 1/3 acre is mostly hills..
"Never, Never, Never quit." - Winston Churchill
"Men don't like to cuddle. They only cuddle if it leads to.. You know.. Lower cuddling." - Ray Romano
"Tell your wife that she looks pretty, even if she looks like a dump truck." - Ricky, age 10
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Post by XMEN Gambit »

The exercise is good for you, Hat. :)
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Post by Sharpster »

I don't miss the walk behind. At my parents they had slightly less property and it used to take me close to an hour.
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Post by Spinning Hat »

Well, since my oldest is 14, I've only had to do it myself once, and that was this fall, after he broke his bursa sac around his knee in football. While the hill is a PITA, it is pretty cool having the neighborhood sledding hill in my backyard. I have some nice windows that overlook that spot, so it's fun to watch the kids play outside.
"Never, Never, Never quit." - Winston Churchill
"Men don't like to cuddle. They only cuddle if it leads to.. You know.. Lower cuddling." - Ray Romano
"Tell your wife that she looks pretty, even if she looks like a dump truck." - Ricky, age 10
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Post by XMEN Ashaman DTM »

ahh.... the joys of having older kids. All of my boys want to mow the lawn for me. But they're all too young yet.

My daughter was fascinated by "the big loud thing daddy was pushing around" when I mowed the lawn last.

(Have to saw lawn... since "grass" is legal in WA state and I don't want you guys to get any wrong ideas. ;) )
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Post by XMEN Ashaman DTM »

Question, Sharpster, did you get a house with more than one floor?

And do they do anything different back in your neck of the woods in regards to heating in the winter?

(This Old House has taught me that many houses in the northeast are heated with steam.)
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Post by Sharpster »

Yes, it's a colonial style w/ 2 floors. Fortunately our heat is gas (what we're used to). It was tough finding gas though, the majority of houses in our price range were MUCH older (this was built in '92). Those houses had a mix of steam, oil, and propane. We also had trouble finding a house with a sanitary sewer and water (we did) as a lot of them had a septic system and well water.

All of your boys want to mow the lawn NOW, until they are old enough to. I remember I couldn't wait til Dad let me cut the grass. After the second time it lost its appeal and I didn't want to be bothered. It was too late to go back on it though. :lol:
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XMEN Gambit
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Post by XMEN Gambit »

Kinda like shaving. :)
XMEN Ashaman DTM
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Post by XMEN Ashaman DTM »


Most houses in our neighborhood are gas with forced air.
In Seattle, houses are still heated with oil or steam (if you're very close to downtown).

Gotta say, that gas is the way to go. And if the gas doesn't work, it's probably due to a much larger problem than heating your house. ;)

As for shaving... FYI, do NOT shave your armpits and then apply deoderant/pitstick. And never let someone shave for you (male or female) if they've had any amount of alcohol. Oh and if you shave your back hair (or braid it), or any of the other parts of your body that men shouldn't see unless they are in the shower room at the gym, then don't show it off. Seen too many instances of a lack of risk analysis that played out badly for those involved. (Usually with me laughing and pointing.)
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Post by Sharpster »

Yeah around my area alot of the houses are older especially 10 mins away in York. I assume that's what you run into with Seattle. Agree with just about everything in the second paragraph Asha except for one thing: In the summer, chest and pits upkeep is required pretty often to keep them at a very short trim. (Damn italian sweat glands).
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